Sew Low
>> Tuesday, September 22, 2009
In my never ending search to find a great fabric store in Boston, I headed out to the Sew Low last Friday. It was an interesting experience. If you like garage selling, thrift store shopping, or treasure hunts, you may actually enjoy shopping at this store. I made about 3.5 laps. I had decided prior to my arrival that I was not going to leave empty handed. I found some nice grey wool and brown suedish material on the very bottom of a stack of fabric on the $2.99/yard table. It took some work to dig them out. I think they may have been the first to go on that table in the late 90's.
Somehow I ended up paying $4.99/yard. I pointed to the sign and said "oh, I got that from this table." Response: "It's wool" I wanted to reply that I knew no one had casually laid it on the table because it was under 25 other fabrics, but it was Friday and I was ready to go home.

This is also a VERY random fabric, but doesn't it have potential to be the most gorgeous drapes ever! I see pretty pillows too. Someone go buy it! It's in the massive row of fabric to the right when you walk in the store. NOTE: take a big, calming, deep breathe before you walk into the store.

And this was a pretty damask, only $4.99!!

And this little corner had some usable goods. I think the most expensive in this grouping may be $6.99/yard.

So, despite the clutter and more clutter....there are some things to find in this store. And the prices are great. Just brace yourself, it's no Purl Soho.