Fabric Steals
>> Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Mr. Sabbe is trying to make me watch a documentary on the Smokey Mountains. I am pretending to watch while I swoon over these great deals {multi-tasking}...





$17.95/yard...I'm pondering whether this would be a good companion to this? It's so hard to tell on the monitor.




$15.95/yard...a 1/2 of yard of this is so mine and if that half of yard does not include the deer, I am going to be one unhappy customer.





$17.95/yard...I'm pondering whether this would be a good companion to this? It's so hard to tell on the monitor.




$15.95/yard...a 1/2 of yard of this is so mine and if that half of yard does not include the deer, I am going to be one unhappy customer.
Go check out http://www.buyfabric.com/ and while you're there tell them to iron their swatches before they put them on the internet.