MaD Men {revised}
>> Monday, August 17, 2009
UPDATE: ha, ha I originally typed Man Men as the title of this post {typo}. Sorry loyal viewers and thorough spell checkers, it is now corrected:)
UDATE #2: Ok, now I'm laughing out loud. I can see myself making one typo. But in re-reading, this WHOLE thing says Man Men. I must have let spell check correct everything it wanted. Unfortunately this is not the first time I've let the Spell Check Monster make me sound like a lunatic. Although I've never seen it, I do know the show is called Mad Men. thanks alicia!
Last night I drug my friend Jenny to Noir, in Cambridge, to witness a season premier party for the third season of Mad Men. The funny thing is, neither of us have ever seen Mad Men. We both have the 10 channel cable. But after hearing all the hype, I felt like I was missing out on a sign of the times and a good costume party, so I decided we should go despite the fact we know nothing about the story line.
I wish I would have brought my camera, the costumes were great. Hopefully some of them tried out to be a guest on the show.
Without ever actually seeing the show, I still covet the jobs of the set and costume designers. I bet they laugh all day at some of the crazy things they find. How much fun would this be...

I read somewhere that Boston was supposed to be Hollywood East. Is that true? If so, I am SO seeking employment as a period set designer.