Workin' Nine to Five...
>> Wednesday, August 27, 2008
...More like 8am-9pm! So I have not been crafting alot the past two weeks, I've been working. But it has been fun, so I thought I would share. There are three projects that are on my desk right now and they are all in different stages of the design process.
It has been a two year process for this first one. I was the Interior Designer for a local spec office building. It was the first thing I worked on when I came to Memphis. It's not ground breaking design by any means and the client had a very strong vision for exactly what they wanted, but it's fun to compare original sketches to the final product.
So here is the lobby

I also designed the restrooms. Here is the rendering I presented.

I was also the Interior Designer for one of the tenants for the building. It is not as far along in the construction process as the public spaces. Here is the sketch I presented of their lobby.

This is a close up of that feature wall in the making. See the will soon glow.
Conference Room
(I borrowed one of the iPod dancers for this shoot :), I thought her cell phone to the ear pose was much more appropriate than her typical wild dance moves)

Conference Room ceiling looking the opposite direction. This man asked me why I couldn't just make the ceilings flat...what fun would that be?!
The GC on this project is great. Here is an example why...

And my current assignment that gets me excited about going to work.....

Here are some other views of the main lobby, the color palette, and one little library sketch.

So that's what's on my desk this week and the reason I have not been able to post any fun crafts. But stay tuned...I'll be home for the Labor Day weekend and if all goes as planned there will be crafts!