Room to Dream Foundation
>> Friday, July 25, 2014
A month or so ago I had the wonderful opportunity to design a couple of rooms for the Room to Dream Foundation. The way it all came about was kind of interesting (to me, anyway). Linds and I were at a cocktail party last fall in Newport and met Gail Ravgiala with Design New England. Gail is one of those people who really talks to you when she talks to you, like not looking over your should to see what other important people are there. I always appreciate that at big, mingly-type events. During this conversation I went off on some monologue about how sometimes our profession feels kind of shallow. Which was one of those moments, after it came out of my mouth, I was internally like "seriously, Stephanie, wrong crowd". But Gail then suggested I look in to the Room to Dream Foundation, an organization that designs rooms for children suffering with various types of illness. That very next day my friend and very talented designer Rachel Reider posted photos on instagram of a room she was installing that weekend for the organization. I commented that I really wanted to get involved, she passed my name along to the founder, Stefan and a couple of months later I met Gavin. You can read more about Gavin's project specifics HERE.