The House Where Time Stood Still

>> Monday, January 13, 2014

I visited a new project last week and got there early. 
The Realtor let me in, alone, and so I wandered/wondered around.
I've been in countless homes over the past 4 years, but this one struck such a chord with me.
This was someone's home and it had been their home for a very long time. They built this house.
She washed dishes in this sink.
She cooked on THIS stove.

She wallpapered everything. 
She bought these matching lamps, and then decades later, that cordless phone.
They entertained here and someone played that piano.
Someone probably definitely tripped down these stairs.
Their attic looked like a hipster's holiday.
Their linen closet is one of my favorites yet.
Her decor was so similar to some current trends that it made me laugh. Not at her, but at us. 
We all think we're so original. We're not.
I could see the man who probably spent countless hours here. 
And then I thought, I wonder if I built Bryan Sabbe one of these if he would start liking fixing things for me!?!
He probably wonders the same about letting me design myself a fancy kitchen. But I digress...

I'm going to let Mr. Luther Vandross summarize with the one thing I left with 
(other than a lot of dimensions and iphone pics) 
A House is not a Home, ya'll. Go love somebody.

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