
>> Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I am thankful for so many things this year, but one thing that stands out to me today is how thankful I am to be living in Boston. I have wanted to live in a big city my entire life. And as the winter creeps closer and closer it's easy to begin to dread the more difficult things, like shoveling your car eight months pregnant. But today I want to reflect on how thankful I am to be living in such a wonderful city.

Some highlights for me include...

1. Riding the T with my little man who is currently obsessed with "choo-choos". It used to be a necessary evil, but now it's like taking him on an adventure just going where we need to go.
2. Living in a .2 mile radius of a grocery store, Starbucks Neighborhoods Cafe, movie theater, dry cleaner, art store, restaurants, train and as of last month a Marshalls! (something I never would have cared about in the burbs)
3. Walking through Beacon Hill at night when it is snowing. It's like being on a movie set.
4. City Gardening.
5. Wandering around the South End and Back Bay imagining who lived in those buildings and what life was like 100 years ago.
6.  Day Trips! Everything is so close together in New England. If you wake up and want to maple syrup in Vermont, you can drive there. Weekend trip to NYC? no problem.
7. Hearing the roar from Fenway stadium when the windows are open in my living room.
8. Mike's Diner.
9. Walking down the Esplanade.
10. Falls that feel like Fall and Winters that feel like Winter.

And I could go on and on.

3.5 years ago we came to Boston for a weekend to look for apartments (the photo above). Since then we have moved three times and lived a lot of life. If you know anything about the path to becoming a physician, or being married to one, you know it's easy to always live in anticipation of the next phase of life;  when we have more money, when we have a bigger house, when we live closer to family. I am total guilty of occasionally falling down that path, but today I am thankful for the awareness of what a wonderful season of life we are currently living in. I am thankful for today.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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