Let's Play Dress Up
>> Thursday, November 13, 2008
Now that the election is over, let's have a little fun!
No matter who you voted for, playing dress up is fun.
I was reading another blog and found that people are starting to make suggestions on what the future First Lady should wear at the Inaugural Ball. I though the suggestions were kind of blaa, so I though I would post my own...in the event that Mrs. Obama might be looking for a fashion consultant for the next 4 years.
The blog I read said her favorite color was purple. That was solidified when I found her Newsweek photo and noted she chose purple for this cover.

So I suggest this! (disregard the fact that I think it's a wedding dress) Cute right!

And maybe with this necklace to give it more of a presidential look.
Oooh, la, la...it's Cartier, which I'm sure she could borrow. Although they are a french company, she may want to keep it all Made in the U.S.A...is Harry Winston from the USA?

I know...pretty good right. If this interior design thing doesn't work out I may have a future in fashion consulting. Don't hold it against me that I'm from Nashville, I don't know who those country music people are calling...but it's not me.
And let's all take a moment to thank the Fashion Industry for uniting us on topics in which we can all delight in offering up our wonderfully differing opinions:)