The Friday Night Knitting Club

>> Monday, July 7, 2008

A MUST READ!! I loved this book. I just finished it, cleaned my fogged up glasses and blew my nose and now I must share. This is our book club's selection for the month and I have to be honest, I thought it was going to be in the family of the Shopaholic books....but it's SO much better. I'm sad it's over. I already miss the characters. Women + Real Life Experiences + Crafting = Are you kidding me, why would you not want to read this book? Buy it (or borrow it from me) read it and then tell me how much you loved it.
I don't know how big of a dork I am. Yes I do, I'm a pretty big dork. In the back it has the author's email address and it says you can call her in on your book club meeting. We only have 3 consistent book club members....Katie Jacobs you may be number 4!

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