New Year . New House . New Baby!

>> Thursday, January 8, 2015

2015, I'm so excited about you.

After tons of groaning and feeling sorry for myself, we found a house in November that we closed on last month. We are homeowners! Again! Yikes! We are renovating a small portion of the house before we move in, so we are relishing the benefits of apartment living (on call emergency maintenance services) for just a few more months. This phase of renovation will include the kitchen, a downstairs bathroom, and a back area that we will use as a family room.  I realized last week that I am basically renovating a small apartment inside a larger house. I'm like an animal who has lived in a small cage for 6 years, I need to be eased into larger surroundings, lest I totally freak out. And then the rest of the house is going to have to sit empty for the next 10 years while we save money to furnish it:) I did buy a bouncy house for the formal living room. So unless bouncy houses are the new Chippendale armoire, don't be looking for us in the next issue of Elle Decor. But you can follow along on IG under the hashtag #asabberenovationstory

Here is a quick mockup I did of one of the kitchen walls when doing a materials study.
I keep telling Bryan that it's going to be like a modern Dowton Abby kitchen. He's like mmmkay, whatever.

And, in other exciting news...I'm 23 weeks pregnant with a GIRL! My boys call her Strawberry Mary. Remi actually started calling her that weeks before we knew it was a girl, which is kind of crazy. He says she has red hair and red fingernails. Last week he added red eyes, also kind of crazy. But no matter what she looks like, we are so excited to welcome her into our family in May. 

And, more exciting news, she won't have to sleep in a closet!

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