Birdie Mobile
>> Thursday, August 7, 2008
I want to make this.

Except I want to make it longer. Like a big art mobile, instead of a baby mobile. No babies in my house. If you didn't know me, you might assume otherwise by my blog topics. I just have allot of reproducing friends. Sometimes I have baby cats for play dates at my house, but no baby people. Speaking of cats, wouldn't Zoe love this. I'm thinking over this chair.

What do you think? Too much? Maybe over my side of the bed would be better.

Don't you love Photoshop? What would I do without it? I tell you what I would do...some really bad Interior Design. I portray myself as someone gifted with visualization skill. I would like to confess that those skills are computer enhanced, but what isn't these days?
P.S. I know I've got some other outstanding crafts I've promised. I'm working on it. And for those who have requested it, I'll get an up close shot of that pillow.
P.P.S. Why won't my pictures enlarge anymore?! Any smart blogger-techie types have a clue?